BM212Strategic HRManagement Group Research Repor 代写
BM212Strategic HRManagement T2-2017
Assessment Task 4.: Group Research ReportDue Sunday October 1, 2017
You are to prepare a report on two of the issues you have researched this semester, explaining why the issue is important for HR to manage and any different approaches there are to managing each issue.
You will research industry journals to obtain current approaches taken by HR professionals and managers. You will be given an opportunity to interview a number of HR managers to help form your opinions and the results from those interviews will form a part of your report.
In your report you should refer to two of the issues we have discussed using current articles from industry journals to explain your arguments. Issues might include: changes in the workforce, industrial relations, part-time v full-time work, technology, staff training, staff selection, staff retention, performance measurement, etc
Read and refer to the following.
· The textbook
· Industry and professional journals
· academic journals
· Resources in Moodle folder
· The Report Writing template provided in Moodle
BM212Strategic HRManagement Group Research Repor 代写
Criteria for Assessment:
· Demonstrating an understanding of the relevant HRM issues
· Quality written analysis of the topic – carefully argued, giving balanced perspectives
· Completeness of response to the topic
· Evidence of broad research and readings (i.e. a minimum of six articles fromindustry sources)You might like to refer to a list uploaded to Moodle named Online Sources
· A marking guide is on page 4
· The list/headings below simply indicate what you might do – these are not mandatory but hopefully it will give you some ideas.
· Your assignment should be approximately 1500words.
· Your homework that is relevant to this report should be added as an appendixbutdo not count in the word limit.
Cover/Title Page (including Student Details, Subject Name and Tutorial Time)
Given the short nature of this assignment you DO NOT need an Executive Summary or a Table of Contents.
Introduction (approx 100 words)
· You need to explain in your own words what your assignment is going to cover, what SHRM issues you are going to address. [What you are going to tell the reader]
Findings and Discussion?This is the general heading and the issues you have chosen to discuss, based on your homework tasks, will be sub-headings under this.
· For each issue you have chosen,explain what is involved, why itis important for the strategic direction of an organisation, and how HR addresses the issue
· Start by referring to the textbook as your main source
· Next find 3-4 articles that refer to each issue (not the ones you covered in your homework task) and cite them intextand in your Reference list.
· Prepare a short list of questions based on your research, to ask the HR Managers In Week 8
o Include those questions in the Appendix to your report
BM212Strategic HRManagement Group Research Repor 代写
· Issue One (a sub-heading)
o explain what is involved, why it is important for the strategic direction of an organisation, and how HR addresses the issue
· Issue two(a sub-heading)
o explain what is involved, why it is important for the strategic direction of an organisation, and how HR addresses the issue
Conclusion (100 words)
· In this section you should summarise what you have said above and some of the key points. Don’t simply be repetitive but reiterate (repeat) the main points you want to get across. [What you have told the reader]
· The idea of a conclusion is to ensure that you have done what you said you would do in the introduction and leave a positive message.
· You cannot introduce any new idea or material
· 2 -3 recommendations only
· Must be based clearly on your analysis and the conclusions you have drawn.
· You cannot introduce any new idea or material
· The list of questions you asked the HR Managers (even if they did not answer them)
· Your Homework that was relevant to the issues you chose
Reference List
· You need to be able to demonstrate that you have read and understood a range of material but should aim for at least six articles plus the textbook and any other reference material you may choose to useeg interview with HR Managers and video reports .
· Please note your reference list is not a list of all you have read but that material that you have references/cited and/or explicitly used in your assignment
· You must use the APA style
· Remember, you will LOSE marks if your referencing style is NOT correct
BM212Strategic HRManagement Group Research Repor 代写