发布时间:2019-10-19 16:46
以美国公园建筑设计为对比分析中国城市公共建筑工程设计研究,本文从案例分析,实证研究调查手段,探析了中西方公共建筑设计中的人文文化融合City Wall Riverfront Park Design in Xi' an, P. R. China:Focusing on urban context, continuation of the historical culture and the life style of local people
AbstractTable of contentList of figuresChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Nature of the problem1.2 Sustainable development包括生态可持续发展,经济可持续发展和社会文化可持续发展,本文主要研究社会文化可持续发展1.3 Research aim and objectives1.4 Research questions1、社会文化可持续性发展在滨水公园设计中的作用及意义?2、现在大多滨水公园的设计都套用别的成功模式,反而忽略了城市的文脉,那么在滨水公园设计中应该如何考虑城市的文脉,在具体设计中应该如何体现?3、我国许多滨水项目将沿岸原有构筑物,历史遗迹一律拆除,任意大规模开发,毫无历史文化的延续性。历史文化的延续性在滨水公园的布局、结构及景观上是如何体现的呢?4、 对于现代滨水公园毫无地方特色,忽略当地人们生活方式的问题,在将来的设计中应该如何考虑?1.5 Research and design scope1.6 Research methodology (Thesis structure)Chapter 2 Context2.1 China’s situation2.2 An approach to human-oriented in China2.2.1 Urban context2.2.2 Continuation of the historical culture2.2.3 The life style of local peopleChapter 3 Lessons from the past3.1 A study of urban context 3.1.1 Lessons from Europe and USA 3.1.2 Lessons from China 3.1.3 Case study: Point State Park, USA3.2 A study of continuation of the historical culture solutions 3.2.1 The relationship of continuation of the historical culture and waterfront park 3.2.2 Considering continuation of the historical culture in waterfront park design3.2.3 Case study: London Thames Barrier Park3.3 The life style of local people 3.3.1 Influence of the local people’s life style 3.3.2 Methods to apply the life style of local people3.3.3 Case study: Dujiangyan Square, Sichuan, China3.4 FindingsChapter 4 Design of City Wall Riverfront Park of Xi’ an4.1 Site inventory4.2 Project context4.3 Organizing principles4.4 Planning conception 4.4.1 Reflection of urban context 4.1.2 Continuation of the historical culture