发布时间:2019-10-19 17:01
School of Management
The aim of the assignment is to analyze the following case study:
Olga Suhomlinova. 2008. Starbucks: “Maintaining principles as we grow”. University of Leicester School of Management.
Format requirements
Length. The target word count is 4,000 words. The deviations from the target count are only acceptable within 10% of the target word count (i.e., the length may vary between 3,600 and 4,400 words).
Presentation. The paper should be word-processed, double-spaced throughout, in point 12 size font, left justified, with standard margins (at least 2.5 cm on all sides), with all pages numbered. Please, attach the cover page, as enclosed.
Submission. Please, remember to submit two hard copies, with the AGC form completed and attached, and one soft copy, on CD, with the sticker identifying the programme, academic year, module number and title, and your student number (i.e., MBA, 2008-2009, MN7203 Organisational Behaviour, your student number).The Essay is provided by UK Assignment
Referencing. The referencing should strictly adhere to the Harvard referencing system. For detailed guidance, see your Programme Handbook. All references (including those to the case study, textbook and lecture notes) should be clearly documented both in the text and in the References list at the end of the paper.
To reference the case study:
In the text: “…as stated in the case (Suhomlinova, 2008: 3)”
In the list of references: Suhomlinova, O. 2008. Starbucks: “Maintaining principles as we grow”. University of Leicester School of Management
To reference the lecture notes
In the text: “… (Suhomlinova, 2008, Lecture 05)
In the list of references: Suhomlinova, O. 2008. Lecture 05: Leadership. Lecture Notes. University of Leicester School of Management.
Structure. The paper should be clearly structured, i.e. divided into sections/subsections with meaningful headings/subheadings.
Important rules
1. DO NOT PLAGIARISE. IT’S ILLEGAL, IMMORAL, PUNISHABLE BY A FAIL MARK, AND NOT WORTH IT. Don’t fool yourself thinking you won’t be discovered.
3. If you have any questions, ask your module leader, via e-mail
What to pay attention to when analysing the case study
1) The case study itself (read carefully)
2) The details of the case (with references to the particulars, including page numbers)
3) Correct application of theory (given the empirical evidence provided in the case)
4) Precise use of terms and concepts
5) Connections between different issues (without stretching)
6) Clear and logical structure of the presentation
7) Building an argument (not a bullet point list)
8) Balanced view (e.g., positives/negatives, pro/contra)
9) Critical approach (e.g., weaknesses and limitations, including those of your own analysis and suggestions)
A good paper wouldThe Essay is provided by UK Assignment
(a) correctly identify the core problems of the organisation, as reflected in the case study;
(b) analyse these problems in a competent and thoughtful way;
(c) demonstrate the knowledge of relevant concepts and theories presented in the module by employing them, correctly, judiciously, and without needless reiteration, to examine the problems and suggest possible solutions;
(d) reflect the mastery of the module material by skilfully highlighting the interdependencies between different elements of the organisation, and between the organisation and its environment;
(e) be well structured into formal sections (and sub-sections, if necessary) and logically presented (with a good flow of statements and development of arguments);
(f) be clearly written in a fluent academic style with no grammatical or spelling errors;
(g) be correctly referenced.
Frequently asked questionsThe Essay is provided by UK Assignment
Q. Is it necessary to search for more information on the company presented in the case?
A. No. It is neither necessary nor, indeed, advisable to look for additional information about the company. You are only allowed to use the evidence presented in the case study. If you believe that the evidence is not sufficient for you to make a judgement, you need to explain this clearly in your analysis and to identify what other information you would need to make a decision.
Q. Should we use the literature beyond the recommended textbook and lectures?
A. In terms of scope (i.e. topics, concepts, and theories covered) the recommended textbook and lectures are necessary and sufficient for the purposes of the case study analysis. You may, however, find it helpful to consult other textbooks or sources for a different (e.g., easier for your to understand) exposition of the same theories and concepts. This is not a requirement, but a suggestion.