Audience analysis is an important part of planning any message, because it assists the writer to make appropriate choices about how to organise and compose the most effective message.
Use point form to complete the following sheet for a document of the Document Creation Assignment. If you work on screen rather than in print, the boxes will expand to fit your points.
Document Number/Title: Page:
Who is the audience?
(a) Name/position:
(b) Context/description/characterisation:
What is the audience’s likely attitude towards the main idea of the message?
(Provide two adjectives or descriptive word/phrases followed by the reasons)
What does the audience need to know?
(Provide the main idea and major sub-points)
Adapted from: Bovee, J. L. & Thill, J.V. 2005, Business Communication Today, Deakin University MMH299 edition, Pearson Custom Publishing, Frenchs Forest, Sydney, New South Wales, pp. 91-93 and 113-4.
1. Develop your analytical skills by completing the following table for each document of the Document Creation Assignment.
Document Number: Page:
Purpose of Message:
Type of message:
Approach Used (circle one) Direct / Indirect Appropriate Approach: Direct / Indirect
Format: Letter / Memo / Email
2. List four format features required in the document.
o o o
3. Identify two weaknesses in Organisation and two weaknesses in Writing Style in the document. Use Business Communication www.ukassignment.org 代写essay terminology for each weakness and give a specific example from the document. Use point form.
Business Communication Weaknesses Specific Examples from Document and ideas for improvement
Writing Style