
发布时间:2019-10-19 18:18

澳洲代写assignment-澳大利亚作业银行商务统计与市场营销STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND MARKETING
Assignment 2
15 marks
Due in Week 9
Part A
Bank of Australia, one of the four leading banks, wishes to assess the effectiveness of one of its recent advertising campaigns that they undertook in promoting the Income Protection and Life Insurance Policies among their customers. The bank has recently introduced a new line of Income Protection and Life Insurance products with an attractive and easy payment scheme in order to boost risk management strategy of customers. 200 of its current customers, who were over the age of 18 and in full-time or part-time employment, were randomly selected for the study.  Each respondent was interviewed before and after being exposed to the advertisement. The file Data2A_Assignment 2.xls, contains the 200 observations from a hypothetical random sample of respondents.  The sample is drawn from a population of 1,200 male and 1,300 female respondents. In this population of male and female customers, there are 2,500 workers.  The variables for each respondent in the file are:

GENDER  1 = Male,  2 = Female
JOB  1 = Full-time employment, 0 = Part-time employment
AGE  Age in years
INCOME  Household income ($’00s)
BEFORE  Purchase of insurance policy ($) in the month before the advertising exposure
AFTER  Purchase of insurance policy ($) in the month after the advertising exposure
CITY   1 = Melbourne, 2 = Sydney, 3 = Adelaide and 4 = Brisbane
PROMOTION 1 = TV, 2 = Radio, 3 = Newspaper  and   4 = Internet

The people in the sample were asked for their responses to the statement - “The new line of Income Protection and Life Insurance products has enhanced my level of purchase”. The responses are the variable ATTITUDE and coded as follows:

1 = strongly disagree,
2 = disagree,
3 = no view either way
4 = agree
5 = strongly agree.

Use SPSS to perform the following tasks. Report your results in an MS Word document.

(1) Find the mean and standard deviation of the age of respondents in the sample. Use these to place a 95 percent confidence interval on the mean age of the population of bank’s customers. (You will need to use the finite population correction factor).

(2) Find the means and standard deviations of the income of (a) Male and (b) Female respondents in the sample, regardless of employment hours. Treat the male and female groups as strata for the purposes of a Stratified Random Sample. Based on this supposition, use the means and standard deviations to place a 95 percent confidence interval on the mean income of all customers in the population. (The finite population correction factor is already contained in the stratified sample standard error formula – do not use it again!)


